HeARTS In ACTion Webinar (Mandarin) 《一心一意》网络研讨会(中文)– 慈怀疗护及晚期照顾课题

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Terminal illness can happen to anyone, at any age and not only to the seniors. Therefore, it is important to start early conversations and plan for your preferred end-of-life care while you are still healthy in mind and body.

Be equipped with the necessary knowledge by professionals in the healthcare sector. Sign up for our webinar conducted in Mandarin to learn more about palliative care-related matters now.

Both webinars are jointly organised with Agency for Integrated Care. 

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  1. Speaker:
    Dr Koh Lip Hoe
    Council member
    Singapore Hospice Council
    Chief, Senior Consultant
    Palliative Care Services
    Changi General Hospital

    Introduction to Palliative Care: 20 mins





  2. Speakers:
    Mr Chan Yan Jun, Dan
    Social Worker
    Hougang Sheng Hong Family Service Centre

    Ms Chuah Xin Jun

    Social Worker
    Hougang Sheng Hong Family Service Centre

    Introduction to Advance Care Planning: 20 mins
    Introduction to Lasting Power of Attorney: 20 mins






  3. Q&A session: 30 mins

Dr Koh Lip Hoe is a senior consultant and chief of the Department of Geriatric Medicine at Changi General Hospital (CGH). He is also head of the Palliative Care Service at CGH. Dr Koh received his medical degree from the National University of Singapore (NUS) School of Medicine in 1999. He then obtained specialist training in geriatric medicine in 2010 and palliative medicine in 2012. Dr Koh was attached to various centers in London, Cambridge and Dundee in United Kingdom for training in palliative medicine as part of the Human Manpower Development Program (HMDP) in 2012.


Mr Dan Chan is a social worker with Hougang Sheng Hong Family Service Centre. He works primarily with families and uses various modalities of social work and counselling interventions to co-create possibilities and effect different experiences with them. He has experiences in engaging elderlies as a former befriender with All Saints Home (Tampines) and used to volunteer with HCA Hospice Care. He is also a certified ACP facilitator and believes in end-of-life discussions.


Ms Chuah Xing Jun is a social worker at Hougang Sheng Hong Family Service Centre. She works with clients across the lifespan and engages in diverse modalities of social work intervention to bring upon positive change for the clients. She is also a certified ACP facilitator and is passionate about end-of-life matters.


About Singapore Hospice Council 关于新加坡慈怀理事会

The Singapore Hospice Council (SHC), established in 1995, is a registered charity and an umbrella body representing member organisations which actively provide hospice and palliative care in Singapore. SHC is committed to improving the lives of patients with serious illnesses and to giving support to the loved ones of these patients. It aims to coordinate and promote hospice and palliative care in Singapore; to support the training of doctors, nurses, allied-health workers, caregivers, and volunteers; to improve on the quality of palliative care; and to raise public awareness. It acts as the voice of hospice and palliative care within Singapore and internationally.

新加坡慈怀理事会成立于1995年,是个代表全国慈怀疗护机构的注册慈善团体。新加坡慈怀理事会致力于改善重症患者的生活,并为患者的亲人提供支持。新加坡慈怀理事会也负责协调和推广慈怀疗护在新加坡的发展;为医生、护士、医疗人 员、看护者及义工提供培训,以及提高慈怀疗护在新加坡的服 务质量以及提升民众意识。新加坡慈怀理事会在新加坡和国际领域为慈怀疗护发声。

About Agency for Integrated Care 关于护联中心 

The Agency for Integrated Care (AIC) aims to create a vibrant care community for people to live well and age gracefully. AIC coordinates and supports efforts in integrating care to achieve the best care outcomes for our clients. We reach out to caregivers and seniors with information on staying active and ageing well, and connect people to services they need. We support stakeholders in their efforts to raise the quality of care, and also work with health and social care partners to provide services for the ageing population. Our work in the community brings care services and information closer to those in need. For more about us, please visit www.aic.sg


About Changi General Hospital 关于樟宜综合医院

Changi General Hospital (CGH) is a public teaching hospital with over 1,000 beds serving a community of more than 1 million people in eastern Singapore. With a wide range of medical specialties and services, it’s helmed by an experienced and skilled team of healthcare professionals who consistently deliver positive health outcomes and care for patients.

CGH is a member of the SingHealth cluster of healthcare institutions and a member organisation of Singapore Hospice Council.

樟宜综合医院(CGH)是一家公共教学医院,备有超过1,000个病床,为新加坡东部超过一百万名人民提供医疗服务。医院提供全方位的专科与医疗服务,由经验丰富、技术优越的医疗团队持续为病人提供正面的康复结果和护理服务。樟宜综合医院是新加坡保健服务集团(SingHealth)旗下的成员,也是新加坡慈怀理事会(Singapore Hospice Council)的会员机构。

About Hougang Sheng Hong Family Service Centre 关于后港城隍家庭服务中心

Hougang Sheng Hong Family Service Centre is a one-stop neighbourhood centre that provides help and support to individuals and families in need. The centre is located within north-east district of Singapore and serves individuals as well as families regardless of age, race, language or religion. The centre is set up by Society of Sheng Hong Welfare Services.


Frequently Asked Questions

Participating is restricted to individuals above 18 years old due to safety reasons.

We strongly advise individuals with pre-existing medical conditions to seek advice from your doctor to determine their suitability for participation. Additionally, participants are required to sign a waiver disclosing any medical conditions, and there will be a safety briefing before the leap to further mitigate the risks.
Regrettably, given the charitable nature of this fundraising event, there will not be any refunds. Your generosity plays a crucial role in contributing to our cause.
SkyPark Sentosa can continue to operate in the rain unless there are high winds and/or lightning. This is being monitored by a specialised device in compliance with Sentosa Island safety precautions.

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