- Last Offices: Singaporean Nurses on Their Daily Encounter with Death (Rice Media, 21 Feb)
- Singapore boosts national palliative care capabilities with launch of new Master’s programme (BioSpectrum, 9 Feb)
- Master’s degree programme in palliative care to boost capabilities of healthcare workers (The Straits Times, 6 Feb)
- Staring death in the face, S’pore hospice patients pass on memories through legacy videos (The Straits Times, 14 Jan)
- S’pore nurses share what it’s like to face death in their work while still bringing hope to patients (Mothership, 8 Jan)
- Doktor jagaan paliatif pediatrik… beri sokongan pada pesakit dan ibu bapa (Berita Harian, 27 Nov)
- Buku panduan jagaan paliatif kanak-kanak dilancarkan (Berita Harian, 19 Oct)
- New podcast to engage younger audiences on palliative care (The Straits Times, 17 Oct)
- Marcus Chin, 70, Was Gifted 6 Columbarium Niches In Tampines When He Became Ambassador For A Funeral Service (8days, 17 Oct)
- #958新闻聊开来: 活得精彩、走得自在!(Capital 958, 16 Oct)
- “与林茹萍大谈“身后事” 陈建彬:拥六灵塔位 (Lianhe Zaobao, 16 Oct)
- 慈怀理事会12月推出支援专线 公众可拨电询问慈怀疗护 (8world, 13 Oct)
- 慈怀理事会举办外展节 鼓励公众讨论临终课题 (8world, 13 Oct)
- #958新闻聊开来: 活得精彩,走得自在!(Capital 958, 9 Oct)
- Coming to terms with death (The Straits Times, 28 Aug)
- Health Check Podcast: How to make it easier for people to live till the end at home (The Straits Times, 16 Aug)
- Doctor diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer learns lessons on death, dying and compassion (Today, 5 Aug)
- Cross-cultural teaching: How not to get “lost in translation” (MediCine, Aug)
- Fulfilling, not ‘depressing’: Meet the volunteers and nurses who choose to provide end-of-life care (CNA, 23 Jul)
- More financial support from Government for palliative care from 2024: Ong Ye Kung (The Straits Times, 1 Jul)
- Family, friends donate $6 million to set up institute to continue palliative care pioneer’s legacy (The Straits Times, 1 Jul)
- Opinion: Reflections on dying at home (The Straits Times, 16 Jun)
- Pesakit paliatif Melayu/Islam meningkat, ramai pilih meninggal dunia di rumah – Number of Malay/Muslim palliative patients had risen, many choose to die at home (Berita Harian, 15 Jul)
- Jagaan paliatif beri peluang anak di sisi ibu hingga akhir hayat – Palliative care gives child a chance to be by mother’s side until the end of life (Berita Harian, 15 Jul)
- Forum: Misconception that home palliative care is expensive(The Straits Times, 13 Jun)
- Being with the patients in the last hours of their lives (The Straits Times, 16 May)
- Singapore enhancing palliative care services ‘to end our walk with dignity, peace and comfort’ (AsiaOne, 10 May)
- Number of people receiving community palliative care in Singapore up 30% since 2017 (The Straits Times, 10 May)
- Is there really a good way to deliver bad news? (MediCine, May)
- Hospice nurses describe emotional toll of caring for the dying (The Straits Times, 10 Apr)
- Retired hairdresser has been cutting hair for the terminally ill for 26 years (The Straits Times, 9 Apr)
- Forum: A clearer idea of hospice and palliative care (The Straits Times, 16 Mar)
- 蒙巴登设慈怀疗护社区小队 识别及支援需要帮助居民 (Lianhe Zaobao, 13 Mar)
- Commentary: It takes a village to care for the terminally ill — and here’s how all can help (Today, 6 Mar)
- 【国会】居家护理将可使用保健储蓄 (Lianhe Zaobao, 3 Mar)
- Patients receiving home care can use MediSave to pay bills from second half of 2023 (The Straits Times, 3 Mar)
- ‘She’s not a burden, she’s my grandma’: Lessons from an extended family’s care for a terminally ill elder (Today, 4 Feb)
- The other patient: Caregivers, co-patients or unseen victims of trauma? Can we do better for our patients’ caregivers? (MediCine, Jan)
- Singapore’s hospices extend support for more illnesses, boost home and day care services (CNA, 3 Jan)
- Dying at home – Is it for everyone? (MediCine, Nov)
- 新保集团为今年总统挑战筹逾110万元 (Lianhe Zaobao, 23 Oct)
- SingHealth staff raise more than $1.1m for President’s Challenge (The Straits Times, 22 Oct)
- 新保集团为今年总统挑战慈善 筹得逾110万元善款 (8World, 22 Oct)
- SingHealth kumpul lebih $1.1 juta bagi masyarakat jagaan kesihatan (Berita, 22 Oct)
- 最后的告别 – 专题故事 (Lianhe Zaobao, 16 Oct)
- 视频/Video: 英国养父和46年养子“漫长”的告别 | The long goodbye between British Captain and his adopted son (Lianhe Zaobao)
- 视频/Video: 癌症巴士车长和17年发妻“陪伴”的告别 | A Cancer Patient To His Wife: I Just Want To Be With You When I Go(Lianhe Zaobao)
- 视频/Video: 呵护天使和临终病患“陌生”的告别 | I Am A Vigil Angel And I Bid Strangers Goodbye (Lianhe Zaobao)
- 视频/Video:坚强妈妈和冻龄天使“无憾”的告别 | My Daughter Will Die Young But I Just Want Her To Be Happy (Lianhe Zaobao)
- Singapore Hospice Council raises $472,000 for palliative care awareness, training (The Straits Times, 8 Oct)
- 慈怀理事会两计划 深入社区提倡临终护理 (Lianhe Zaobao, 3 Oct)
- 慈怀推出两计划 以提高民众认识和提供支援 (8World, 1 Oct)
- 热情地, 真切地 (Lianhe Zaobao 19 Sep)
- 生命的最后 温暖的陪伴 第一集(HaoFM, 16 Sep)
- 生命的最后 温暖的陪伴 第二集 (HaoFM, 16 Sep)
- 生命的最后 温暖的陪伴 第三集 (HaoFM, 16 Sep)
- 生命的最后 温暖的陪伴 第四集 (HaoFM, 16 Sep)
- 生命的最后 温暖的陪伴 第五集 (HaoFM, 16 Sep)
- When death comes knocking: How healthcare workers support parents who lost their child (Today, 20 Aug)
- Before you go (The Straits Times, 19 Jul)
- IN FOCUS: Dying at home may seem ideal to many, but it’s not always straightforward (Channel News Asia, 2 Jul)
- 临终关怀之外 厘清慈怀疗护的迷思 (Lianhe Zaobao 7 June)
- Podcast: Dying for a good death: having conversations we dread most (Medicus, 20 May)
- It takes a tribe: The doctor volunteers who helped write the story of hospice and palliative care in Singapore (MediCine, May)
- From Kahoot quiz to alternative rock music in the background: Singapore youths share their ‘dream funeral’ (AsiaOne, 1 Mar)
- Forum: Society has much more to learn about end-of-life issues (The Straits Times, 17 Feb)
- As Singapore ages, end-of-life care must evolve faster: Experts (The Straits Times, 7 Feb)
- Life, death and dignity (29 Dec)
- Reconciling relationships and respecting choices: How hospice care revitalised family ties for this 53-year-old Singaporean (13 Dec)
- 慈怀疗护 别让爱迟到! (11 Dec)
- Ye Kung: Pemerintah tingkat usaha sokong golongan penjaga paliatif (10 Dec)
- 慈怀机构日间护理名额四年来增六成 (10 Dec)
- Palliative care services to be boosted; topic of death needs open discussion: Ong Ye Kung (9 Dec)
- 慈怀疗护 好好说再见 (26 Nov)
- Philanthropy lessons from Dr Chong Poh Heng, a palliative care professional (Tatler Asia, 25 Nov)
- Why it’s never too early to start planning for palliative care (17 Nov)
- 慈怀疗护 人生不留遗憾 (13 Nov)
- He meets terminally ill children daily, but seeing death up close taught this doctor about life (31 Oct)
- My dying wish? I hope I’m lucky enough to have a living funeral. (27 Oct)
- Doctor who helps terminally ill kids among winners of President’s Volunteerism and Philanthropy Awards (11 Oct)
- Learn more about palliative care on World Hospice and Palliative Care Day (7 Oct)
- You might not live to see the next day. Wouldn’t you want your important affairs sorted out? (27 Sep)
- 为慈善机构再次跳舞 (23 Sep)
- Art show among events leading up to bereavement conference in September (25 Aug)
- National Day Awards 2021 – The Public Service Medal: Dr Angel Lee Onn Kei, Board Member, Singapore Hospice Council (9 Aug)
- 慈怀调查: 超过四成医护人员没为死后和临终事宜做好准备 (27 Mar)
- CNA Singapore Tonight – A look at palliative care in Singapore (26 Mar)
- Most health professionals feel unprepared to give palliative care, survey finds (26 Mar)
- 整合集团下七机构现有服务 新保成立支援及慈怀疗护中心 (24 Mar)
- New centre aims to lift standard of palliative care in Singapore (23 Mar)
- They find strength in their tragedies to help others get over their grief (20 Nov)
- Covid-19: Some charities struggle to raise funds even as economy reopens, others thriving (12 Oct)
- Dying doesn’t have to be sad: Local short film about boy with terminal cancer sheds light on end-of-life care (10 Oct)
- It’s not just about death: Palliative care is also about living well (7 Oct)
- Dealing with death inspires healthcare heroes to do something for the living (12 Aug)
- “I want people to be better prepared than I was for my father’s death” (5 Aug)
- Palliative Care: What You Need to Know About Proper End-of-Life Care (28 Apr)
- 社区与慈怀医院服务整合 临终病患病情反复不必转院 (1 Apr)
- Charity-run centre helps grieving hearts heal (14 Dec)
- Forum: Hospice council pleased with changing approach to end-of-life matters (30 Oct)
- 《创新声Playlist》王鼎智唱出阿嬷的酷 (18 Oct)
- 【创新声Playlist】 刘永健:王鼎智《阿嫲的歌》带出生命温暖 (18 Oct)
- 调查:超半数国人愿意谈论临终课题 (6 Oct)
- Singaporeans more open to talking about death and care for the sick: SMU study (5 Oct)
- It Changed My Life: A life devoted to helping others die with dignity (7 Jul)
- Photographer for viral S’pore Hospice campaign lives with rare cancer that affects 3 in a million people (18 May)
- 慈怀理事会免费小册子 让看护者更了解晚期病患 (12 May)
- SHC launches social campaign to start conversations on end-of-life care (10 May)
- 陪外婆走完最后一程 郭美云:须正确认识慈怀护理 (7 May)
- 慈怀疗护 让亲人自在地走 (7 May)
- Helping people cope with grief (1 Nov)
- Two books launched to help the grieving at hospice council’s inaugural conference on grief (31 Oct)
- Palliative care improves quality of life for dying patient, family (29 Aug)
- Increased access to subsidised end-of-life care helps ease seniors’ concerns (6 Aug)
- Nurses go the extra mile (31 Jul)
- New guidelines in caring for vulnerable babies launched by Lien Centre for Palliative Care (28 Jul)
- Palliative care can offer comfort in futile situations (12 Jun)
- A Good Death brings issues of ageing and terminal illness to life (31 Mar)
- A look at ageing and dying (20 Mar)
- A multidisciplinary approach to end-of-life care (12 Mar)
- Tend to the spirit of the dying (The Straits Times, 28 Dec)
- Different approaches to a good and dignified death (The Straits Times, 28 Dec)
- More in palliative care not cancer patients (The Straits Times, 25 Sep)
- More being done to help terminally ill, caregivers (The Straits Times, 31 Jul)
- Improving end-of-life care for patients (The Straits Times, 28 Jul)
- MOH to embark on three-year project with Singapore Hospice Council to plug gaps in end-of-life care (The Straits Times, 27 Jul)
- Raising awareness on end-of-life care (The Straits Times, 15 Jun)
- Commentary: What is well-being for someone who is terminally ill? (CNA, May 2017)
- More getting palliative services (The Straits Times, 16 Feb)