
Palliative Care Services

As a caregiver for a loved one facing a life-limiting illness, you may be facing many challenges and uncertainties. It can be an emotional and overwhelming experience, and you may feel like you’re juggling multiple responsibilities. We are dedicated to keeping your needs at the heart of our palliative care services, and we strive to provide you with the necessary resources and support to navigate the changing situation. Our goal is to help you provide the best possible care for your loved one while also attending to your emotional and physical needs as a caregiver. 

The Meaning of Palliative Care 

Palliative care is a patient-centred approach that enhances the quality of life for both patients and their families who are coping with life-threatening illnesses. By addressing physical, psychosocial, and spiritual pain and suffering through early identification, comprehensive assessment, and appropriate treatment, palliative care aims to prevent and relieve symptoms associated with advanced illnesses. 

Palliative care is provided by a multidisciplinary team that includes doctors, nurses, social workers, and other healthcare professionals who work with a patient’s healthcare team to provide an extra layer of support. The care team also provides an individualised and comprehensive plan of care that addresses the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of caregivers. Not to be mistaken with terminal care, palliative care services can be provided to patients of all ages, from babies to the elderly, if they have life-threatening illnesses such as advanced cancer and chronic illnesses including end-stage kidney, heart, lung, and neurological failure. Patients with advanced dementia can also benefit from palliative care services.

Palliative care can be provided at home, in nursing homes, hospices, specialist clinics, as well as general and community hospitals, catering to every patient’s needs. Services provided include home care, daycare, inpatient care and consultative services.

Click on your preferred care type and corresponding service provider for more information.

Costs of Palliative Care Services in Singapore

Palliative care services in Singapore have been made affordable and accessible to everyone who needs it. If you’re worried about the costs, fret not, as the government offers subsidies for palliative care services through means-testing. This takes into account the monthly household income per person to determine the level of subsidy. In addition to the government subsidy, patients can also use their Medisave for palliative care services.

To ensure that your loved one receives the appropriate palliative care, it is recommended that you seek advice from your healthcare provider. If you have concerns about the financial costs associated with palliative care services, speaking to a social worker can be helpful.

For referrals to service providers of inpatient care, home care and day care services, click here (for healthcare professional use only).

Frequently Asked Questions

Participating is restricted to individuals above 18 years old due to safety reasons.

We strongly advise individuals with pre-existing medical conditions to seek advice from your doctor to determine their suitability for participation. Additionally, participants are required to sign a waiver disclosing any medical conditions, and there will be a safety briefing before the leap to further mitigate the risks.
Regrettably, given the charitable nature of this fundraising event, there will not be any refunds. Your generosity plays a crucial role in contributing to our cause.
SkyPark Sentosa can continue to operate in the rain unless there are high winds and/or lightning. This is being monitored by a specialised device in compliance with Sentosa Island safety precautions.

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