SHC follows a 10-step volunteer management process: enquiry, contacting, screening, confirmation, onboarding, training, briefing, deployment, feedback and appreciation.
Ad-hoc and skills-based roles are identified through needs-assessment. Volunteers involved in Outreach roles are expected to have attended training, or have an experienced volunteer and staff on site. Each role has a specified role description, which clearly indicates the commitments and expectation of the volunteer. Volunteers are able to sign up for shifts through email or SHC iVolunteer application.
The SHC Volunteer Handbook is given to all volunteers upon onboarding, and details the Code of Conduct, Roles and Responsibilities, Protection of Personal Data and Confidentiality, as well as the Standard Operating Procedure for grievance handling. SHC also maintains insurance coverage for all volunteers to protect them against potential risks when volunteering with SHC.
New volunteers are strongly encouraged to attend a comprehensive in-person course, covering information regarding palliative care and end-of-life matters. Volunteer briefings are also conducted regularly before each event to reinforce expectations and empower them with appropriate resources.
SHC regularly evaluates its volunteer management policies and practices by seeking input from volunteers through surveys and check-ins after each volunteer event. Interviews with volunteers are also publicised in the SHC Newsletter and on social media platforms. Appreciation gifts are presented to volunteers with high volunteering hours to recognise their commitment and dedication. SHC staff maintains an open door policy to welcome any feedback from its volunteers.