Training Courses

Course Outline:
Palliative Care 101 is a two-hour course organised by the Singapore Hospice Council (SHC) to help the general public to know about palliative care, end-of-life care matters and the relevant community resources available to support patients with life-limiting illnesses and their family in Singapore.

Course Objectives:

At the end of the course, participants will:

  • Increase awareness of their own attitude towards death and its impact on their willingness to converse with family or loved ones
  • Be informed of the suite of Community Resources available for Palliative Care
  • Become an SHC Ambassador and advocate for our cause

Course Content:

  • All you need to know about Palliative Care and end-of-life care matters
  • Community Resources on Palliative Care

Mode of Course Delivery:
The course will be conducted in English or Mandarin. Malay sessions can be requested. 

Who Should Attend:
General Public

Course Fee:
Free of charge, pre-registration is required.

We would like to invite social service agencies/institutions/corporates to organise the talk for their communities and Singapore Hospice Council will send a trained professional to deliver the course.  Please write to [email protected] for your enquiry.

Date, Time, Venue:

Coming Soon





完成课程后,您还可报名成为慈怀疗护推广大使,与理事会携手让更多人受益, 打造“活得精彩,走得自在”的常态。


  • 慈怀疗护须知及临终话题
  • 慈怀疗护社区资源





我们欢迎社会福利机构、学府、企业机构为属下团体提供本课程,理事会可派专业讲师提供培训。请电邮 [email protected] 询问更多。

Frequently Asked Questions

Participating is restricted to individuals above 18 years old due to safety reasons.

We strongly advise individuals with pre-existing medical conditions to seek advice from your doctor to determine their suitability for participation. Additionally, participants are required to sign a waiver disclosing any medical conditions, and there will be a safety briefing before the leap to further mitigate the risks.
Regrettably, given the charitable nature of this fundraising event, there will not be any refunds. Your generosity plays a crucial role in contributing to our cause.
SkyPark Sentosa can continue to operate in the rain unless there are high winds and/or lightning. This is being monitored by a specialised device in compliance with Sentosa Island safety precautions.

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